Emir Artar evaluated the company's targets and 2020 in the April issue of Capital Magazine

Emir Artar evaluated the company's targets and 2020 in the April issue of Capital Magazine

"ART COO Emir Artar made evaluations about the company's targets and 2018 in the April issue of Capital Magazine.


ART COO, Emir Artar, who operates in the rearview mirror product group in the automotive sector, says, "We serve in a specific product range. We want to take a step towards becoming a global brand by moving this difference abroad." ART is a very young brand. Founded five years ago, the brand's goal is to become a global brand in the world of rearview mirrors.

ART COO's Emir Artar says that they are one of the very few companies in the world to combine the rear-view mirror product range under one roof. Tar The aim of ART is to realize that there is not a big globalizing brand in rearview mirror in the world and for this purpose, ART is to make ART a global brand in the automotive sector dik. Stating that they are a newly established and always developing company, Artar explains the future goals of his company as follows;

"ART was founded in August of 2014 is yet before collecting the rearview mirror product range under one roof in the world, very few one of the companies involved. Turkey serves its customers with a wide range of ART brand in the market. ART aim in the rearview mirror on the world aware of the fact that it is not a big globalizing brand, and for this purpose, ART brand to become a global brand in the automotive sector in the rearview mirror product group. "


As ART is a newly established and always developing company, 2018 was a productive year for us, but it is better to say that some economic and political problems have slowed these developments to a certain extent. 2019 will continue as a year of innovation, innovative business, management models and business development on behalf of our company.

In addition to our turnover growth, we believe that we will achieve growth by increasing diversity in terms of numbers. In terms of automotive after market, I think that 2019 will be a year that needs to be touched more carefully, carefully and saved.


The rearview mirror is a very specific product group for the automotive industry. Moreover, the production process is difficult and requires expertise. For this reason, it is not an issue that everyone can do to achieve this product range with a wide variety. ART is the only company in the world that brings this product group under a single roof with the widest variety and provides the fastest supply to its customers. These value propositions make the ART brand stand out from the competition. In the coming period, we aim to establish an integrated system with the contribution of digitalization and establish a entegre just in time tedarik supply chain. In this way, we aim to keep customer satisfaction, service speed and quality at the highest level and inventory costs at the lowest level. On the other hand, our product range, which is expanding day by day, provides innovations for the automotive sector and offers great value for our customers in terms of availability. ”